I spent last Friday at the Rockey Mountain Dental Conference. Which in years past has been a complete waste of time- this one turned out to be no different! But because I respect my bosses and I want to set a good example to those that I manage- I braved the traffic and headed for down town Denver to the RMDC!
I take being a manager very serious, I really believe that God has put me in this unique position and I have a responsibility to be the best I can be and to lead with purpose and integrity! So off I go to "The Lioness in You" seminar. I've heard this speaker before but nothing really stands out about her. I've been to many seminars and conferences that are meant to inspire and motivate- and they've done just that! I've read amazing books- one recently called, Leadership and Self- Deception! It's put out by the Arbinger Institute and I would highly recommend it to anyone- even if you're not a manager! This book and many of the seminars I've been to have been so enlightening. But the Lioness in you had me very irritated and left me with pages of doodling and notes that said things like- Seriously, you're getting paid for this, my bosses paid money for me to sit here!!! More and more doodling.....Then I saw an old friend in the audience and wrote her a note--- Finally, break time and I get to go talk to my old friend! I was checked out, present till the end- but mentally checked out!
I'd like to give you a picture of what I sat through- in a nutshell-
The premise- you're truth is your truth and whatever works for you is what's right.
Go with your gut- Your head will lead you down a path of long conversation and debate, but the gut is usually right and it's always a very short conversation, it says "do it" "don't do it" "delay" (This was the only part of her talk that I did agreed with)
But then she moved on to her recent divorce, she began to spin her "truth"- and then used her theory that if she had just listen to her "gut" that she would have been divorced a lot sooner. She'd been married for 30 years and the last 10 years she knew that she should not be married. Long story short, her point was that now that she's divorced she just "SO HAPPY", and her and the x are friends, and the kids just wished they'd done it sooner- WHAT! Are you serious- How is this inspiring leadership?
First of all, she was totally out of line to even speak of her personal live in this forum, but the spin was what really annoyed me. You don't want to work on a 30 year marriage- fine, but don't lead a bunch of women to believe that if they aren't happy they should just listen to their gut and get a divorce, because after all, it's their truth, and then life will be all they thought it would be, perfect!
I'll be emailing the conference facilitators tomorrow!
"It is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost" - Buck Elk
auntie... where are you? you need to blog post again...