Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alone Time

I don't know about you but there is a time everyday that I need my alone time. Time that I can be alone with my thoughts... or not, sometimes that alone time is really just a time when I don't have to hear anybody talk! I love that time everyday when I get to do something brain numbing, like go for a run, or take the dog for a walk- or going for a hike in mountains. I just need a time to not be "on". When I'm at work there is not a minute of my day that I am not "on". It's exhausting, really. I'm a people person, I like to engage- but by the end of the day I'm tapped out because a lot of my engaging is energy sucking! How is it that people can go through the day being life suckers and not life givers, how is it that day after day they complain about the same thing- always saying and doing the same thing and expecting a different result!

I thank God that I have a bunch of life givers in my life. First of all, my husband is my biggest fan, my mother is a very close second- He loves to buy me whatever I want, he loves to cook for me and get my breakfast for me everyday. He supports me in whatever I want to do, he prays with me every night and believes that I can do anything I set my mind too....he believes in me even when I don't. My daughter is also a life giver, she's always mindful of other people and is kind and loving, she's an amazing mother and daughter, she's everything I could have dreamed for in a daughter, and more. And she's equally beautiful on the outside! My son is my keeper right now, since my husband is away. He is very different than the rest of us...he's driven to know everything about whatever interests him, he's driven to be successful in life, he believes that his tithe is a priority because he knows that it all belongs to God. He's way too smart for most of us, and isn't shy to remind us of how much he knows. Luckily, he only shares that side of himself with us... but the core of him is just like his father, which makes me very proud.

This family of mine is what gives me the strength to be a good wife, mother and employee- Somehow I need to find a way to thank them!

Here is a beautiful quote-

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow" ~ Melody Beattie

1 comment:

  1. why am i crying reading this right now? love you all so much!
