Thursday, June 24, 2010


I know, you've heard me whine about needing a vacation! Well, I still need a vacation. In a big way... But instead of a real get away we're leaving on Saturday for our family cabins. Though it's still in Colorado it's about 4 1/2 hours away and it will cost as much as a cruise to the Caribbean! Which is seriously annoying to me. I'm letting that go though- I'm not going to be bitter!! The cabins are a wonderfully peaceful place and I do love it there.

The things I love the most is that we go with my brother in law and his wife. They are just like us, really! We love spending time with them, they love good food, they love each other and they think like we do! They both have a great sense of humor and we will laugh the whole week. It's going to be a really good time. And just like us, they think that going to the cabins is a lot of work. We'll all spend way too much money to get there- and I kid you not, it's a lot of money. We'll all spend way too much money on our meals and little trips into town. Then there's the fee we have to pay to the family to make sure that our aunts and uncles are able to pay for the insurance that year. I guess it's a sacrifice that will provide memories for us that are priceless! So, knowing all that~~~~~ I still want to be on a huge boat in the Caribbean! Thing that may happen in October.... Hurricane season!! God have mercy!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


So, okay, I know that running a 5K is no big deal for most people! Sometimes it's not a big deal for me, and sometimes I'm certain that I'll not make it to the end. Today was very interesting-
The race was in a small mountain town at about 8000 ft. I thought that I'd be fine with the altitude, umm, not so much- didn't see that coming! I knew the race was going to take place on a ranch that is not open to the public, beautiful! Why did it not occur to me that there would not be a trail, or that the hills could present some challenge? Then there was the rain, it made all the challenges worth it, a constant drizzel of refreshing rain- complete JOY! I wish I could say that I didn't walk once- I walked several times for a few minutes at a time. I still finished in 39:04. I ran with my boss, she's fun, smart and in better shape than I've ever been in! Oh, she did beat me by a few minutes, I tell myself that she is 10 years younger than me...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Favorite Things

Oprah is not the only one who has a few favorite things! Obviously, I'm not Oprah and I don't have her recourses to purchase some of the finer things I'm sure would become "a fav" if I could afford them! But I do have a few favorite things.

Some of my favorite things cost nothing. Like hiking or running in the cool morning air. I love getting up early (though it is hard to get out of bed at 5:10 am) 5 minutes into my run I'm wondering if this is really going to work out... and before I know it Tom Petty has gotten me through the tough part and my muscles are beginning to loosen up and I'm in the groove, a groove where I not only listen to more of Tom and some Santana and of course there’s a lot of Elton going on~ the run is coming to an end and I feel like I've done my old body some good for the day. I love that feeling!

I do love to sweat! Sounds gross doesn't it? But there is nothing better for me than to sweat. Although, I do sweat at some rather inappropriate times recently. Like at the garage sale this weekend.... Why is the biggest question! That's a whole other blog! TMI I'm sure~ sorry!

I love Saturday mornings at home, doing a lot of things and doing nothing... then making tuna sandwiches for David and I for lunch, gotta have Lays potato chips with it, that's a complete Saturday morning for me.

I love a mid week matinee's with my husband. I love movie popcorn with so much butter that it's dripping off my fingers- and of course I have to have a large diet coke and a bag of M&M's. That's the perfect mid week pick me up!

I love dinner with a great glass of wine with my husband after a long day of work.

I love it when my little Layla say's " I miss you and I love you"

I love that my son has an odd admiration for my brothers- the same men I worked so hard to keep him away from when he was a child! Now they have had a huge impact on his life, in a very positive way.

I love that today could have been a really bad day if I hadn't chosen to trust God, but because I made a conscious decision to trust Him and not be in despair, He blessed my mind and heart... I love that!

I love that no matter what disappointments I have in this life I can trust that God see's it all. He knows my heart for my marriage and for my kids and ministry. And that He will work it all according to His will. Nothing will slip by Him..... I love that!

I love food- I'm a serious foody. I am passionate about food, I love a fantastic meal! Especially a great dessert:)

I love people who are passionate, and it really doesn't matter what they are passionate about. Seriously, no matter what your beliefs are, I respect conviction and passion. So no matter what you do in this life, be passionate and committed to what you believe in.

I'd love to know what you're passionate about.

“Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion”
                                   ~Georg Wilhelm~

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Technology Is Definitely My Friend!

I'm fascinated by technology- there is very little that I understand about it, but I love it! I don't understand how text messaging works but I usually have about 900 a month, I totally enjoy texting! Not a fan of talking on the phone- and just incase you're judging me for it just know that I love hanging out with those same people I text with and talking in person.

I have no idea how email really works, but thank God for email, it saves me tons of time not talking on the phone. Email has changed communication by leaps and bounds, I now communicate with family members across the country, and with people in our ministry in Africa. It's amazing how email has connected third world countries to the rest of the world, mind boggling, really!

Consider this blog- I'm a poser, not a real writer, I'm certain that my sentence structure and punctuation is a mess, and yet because I'm able to figure out how to set a blog up and even upload a pretty little background (all for free), I get to have a blog. How amazing is that?

The other tech mystery to me is Skype- how do I call my parents home phone number and instead of them answering the phone they answer the computer and we are face to face with the help of the "web cam". So crazy, so cool!

Having said all that-
Technology... is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ~C.P. Snow, New York Times, 15 March 1971