Sunday, August 22, 2010

27 years

We were married on August 20th 1983, so this last Friday we celebrated 27 years of marriage. Man, I can't help but think that if we've been married that long that we must be old! Good thing I don't feel old!

As I look back on 27 years I am amazed at how God has worked to heal two really screwed up people. We fell in love and without any examples to follow we struggled, but we worked hard to make the best marriage that we possibly could, wasn't always easy....

There were some really tough years, but God's grace was always with us. We decided early on in our marriage that we would never get a divorce, it just wasn't going to be an option. The hard years for us were when our kids were young, all our energy was focused on them, but by God's grace we were able to continue to work on our marriage and by the time they left home... well, one has come back home now, but by the time he was headed for college we actually felt like we had done the work to build a strong marriage and now was our time to enjoy each other. 

We love hanging out, going out to eat and going to the movies- we love having friends over and taking naps whenever we want (okay, I love taking naps whenever I want). We love traveling and making new memories that are just ours. 

My advice, have your kids while your young and not too set in your ways:)
Chains do not hold a marriage together.  It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years.  ~Simone Signoret