Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Rant!

Here's my rant- Why are some people not capable of biting their tongue? Why do some people think they should say everything that is on the end of our tongue? Just because it's a thought doesn't mean you should say it, it really isn't your right! Everyone is responsible to think before they speak, not the other way around! Why do some people think that it's their right to assault others with your hideous words and attitude? You've had a bad day? SORRY~ But you being a A-hole to me isn't going to somehow make your life okay.... Here's a thought, try giving instead of taking, try being a blessing instead of a curse, try biting your tongue until it bleeds, but stop saying everything you think.

Ahhh, feeling much better---- think I may have just said everything I think!!! And didn't hurt anyone in the process......

“Never miss a chance to shut up”
           ~Will Rogers~

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's an interesting thing!

David and I bought a house on April 30th. We've been renting for the last 5 1/2 years because we thought the Lord was going to move us to Africa. That door has been closed for the time being. So, for tax reasons we needed to purchase a home. Moving has been a nightmare, and why wouldn't it, really, we have almost 27 years of "stuff" and one of us has accumulated more "stuff" than the other.... and it's not me! I have decided that I want to be a minimalist, you know, "down size" in a huge way. It took us 3 days to move everything into this big house, (we had a lot of help) and then we had to clean the old house, in total it was a 5 day ordeal, and I only took one day off work to do it! I'm not recovered yet!

I say to myself, really... is this what I want, is this what we want, is this what we thought empty nester should be? There's a part of me that could live in a little house on a quiet street, that would allow for a lot more free time (the yard maintenance alone in this house is astounding, it's 1/3rs acre) and it would no doubt allow for more vacations, yeah, yeah~ which is what I'm all about at this point in my life. Honestly, I suspect that this is the beginning of the Lord finally being able to move us into the place we're meant to be at this time in our lives. Having said all that, I do believe that this is where we are supposed to be, for now! Everything is a process; it's all about timing! I love that!

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

~Brian Tracy