Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Rant!

Here's my rant- Why are some people not capable of biting their tongue? Why do some people think they should say everything that is on the end of our tongue? Just because it's a thought doesn't mean you should say it, it really isn't your right! Everyone is responsible to think before they speak, not the other way around! Why do some people think that it's their right to assault others with your hideous words and attitude? You've had a bad day? SORRY~ But you being a A-hole to me isn't going to somehow make your life okay.... Here's a thought, try giving instead of taking, try being a blessing instead of a curse, try biting your tongue until it bleeds, but stop saying everything you think.

Ahhh, feeling much better---- think I may have just said everything I think!!! And didn't hurt anyone in the process......

“Never miss a chance to shut up”
           ~Will Rogers~

1 comment:

  1. is it something i said? or are our similar but opposite posts tonight purely coincidental?
