Saturday, September 25, 2010


Time is an interesting thing, isn't it? When it comes to things like work, cleaning the house or having an awkward conversation with some woman in line at the grocery store who gives you her life story in 2 min, 37 seconds...painfully slow...  Anyway, it's times like this that time seems to move incredibly slow. Or how about when you've spent months preparing for a trip and everything is all set.. and you don't depart for another 4 months.... time creeps by!

I just want to know how to slow time down with a few things:) ridiculous I know. But if you have any tips I'd be interested in hearing them. Mostly I thinking about my granddaughter Layla. She's is with us this weekend and I've done everything I can to make sure that she has my undivided attention so that she and I don't have any regrets with the time we've had together. For the last year or so she has said " I need to stay 2 nights, 1 night is not long enough". So, this weekend she's staying 2 nights, and she has been such an amazing joy. But here we are, it's Saturday night and she's fast asleep, we'll have her for a few hours tomorrow and then it will be over, we'll make some memories tomorrow morning and she'll come to church with us, but then it's over. Time has gone way to fast!

Here's a few Layla quotes from the weekend
While on a walk last night. -
-"Nana, don't pick that up, it's trash"
-"I love you Nana"
-"You're the best Nana ever"
-"Nana, these flowers are so beautiful, can I pick them for my mommy"?
-"Nana, I'm going to remember these beautiful pink clouds in my heart forever"
-" You get what you get each day with clouds" Saying that they are different precious!
-"Nana and Papa, I've told you a hundred times, that is not a Lama, it's a Lamb, a Lama walks on two legs but looks like a Kangaroo"..She was dead serious and spoke with amazing conviction, and hand gestures!
There were so many more precious things she said, and next time I'm going to write everyone of them down!

Pure joy!

Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old.
                              ~ Mary H. Waldrip~

1 comment:

  1. where did she come from? silly girl. this post made weep. wish i was there to see her grow... it is just the way it was supposed to be. we are not supposed to be 500 miles away. love you. miss you.
