I know that a few members of my family read this silly little blog of mine, probably just to humor me...and I thank you for that:) And there are others who read and won't tell me who they are.... shame on you:) I just want to say that everybody needs a little feed back every once in awhile, so leave a comment... Thank you Jesse, Aunt Kimberly appreciates you:)
Here's my deal today, I have a man in my life that is very sick, he is terminally ill. It's the most difficult thing I've been through so far in my life, this man is my husbands father. I lost a father, and a grandmother... on the same day. But they both hated me!(sorry that sounds so harsh, but it's true) So, though it was hard, it wasn't like this. I'm so fortunate to be able to say that this man has loved me like I was a treasure that he found in the sand, or like a rare diamond that has just been discovered. He has always made me feel like I was worth a million dollars. And today I was honored to be able to sit with him today for a few hours. As I gave him his pain medication and asked him what I could do for him, he said to me, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.... 4 times times(i counted) he repeated that he loved me. Today he spoke a blessing over me that will last for eternity. So,... I'm crying and really can't think of how to end this blog, but just to say ..... Please, seize the moment, don't wait one second longer to express your love to those who deserved to hear it from you.
~Purpose to live without regret~
~Kimberly McCleskey~