Thursday, September 30, 2010


If you don't like pork don't read this post! Really, just stop now, I don't want to offend any of you pork haters.

I love pork, seriously, I love pork! And I'm so excited because we are going to go pick up our freshly butchered hog tomorrow. To make the whole process even better, my niece Lena raised our hog, she's 14. She's also raised a turkey and a lamb that we've eaten, isn't that cool?

I have to say that bacon is at the top of my favorite food list. If you like pork you must go to where you can buy t-shirts that say things like "I love Bacon" and "Bacon is meat Candy". You know, sayings that you can really stand by, with passion... and dedication :) Let me warn you now though...the government will most likely be adding a fat tax to those of us who love pork, ya, I'm one of those!!! I"m joking, but not totally... a local grocery store here has posted that effective July 1st 2010 that there is an added tax on all candy and pop.... I'm sure bacon will be our next tax!

I have a new wish item on my bucket list, a friend of mine went to Chicago recently and she went on a bacon tour in the city! A real bacon tour, can you imagine? I hate the thought of the calorie count in all that bacon but I'd find a way work it off. Unfortunately, she had a little too much to drink and she wasn't really able to remember the tour. Maybe she should go back with me:)

I have a pork recipe that is one of my all time favorite comfort foods, and I know that every time I eat it that I will eat too much.... and then I'll eat the left overs too....

Pork Chop, potato and mushroom gravy.

4 pork chops- with or without bones
4 potatoes- peeled and sliced 1/4 inch thick
2 cans cream of mushroom soup
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 to 1 cup milk, just to enough to get the right gravy consistency you like.
Vegetable oil
Salt and Pepper

-Peel and slice potatoes and layer in the bottom of a large baking pan, salt and pepper.
-Heat oil in skillet. Place flour in bowl, add salt and pepper and mix, coat pork chops in flour and brown in   oil. Make sure they get a really nice brown color. Remove chops and place on top of potatoes.
- Add soup, sour cream and milk. Add salt and pepper.... and any other seasoning you might like. Heat through and pour over pork chop and potatoes. Cook at 350 for about an hour, or until potatoes are done.

Now..... enjoy one of my favorite comfort foods:)

Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.  ~Voltaire