Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A New Season

I love that we live in a place that has 4 seasons! I love that it was 81 degrees here today. It is supposed to snow later this week! Love that too.

My husband and I were talking this weekend about how much our lives have changed over the last several years. I'm not enjoying this season. I have enjoyed parts of it; I guess...I've enjoyed having time to figure out what brings me joy. I love that my husband does all the cooking now, which he didn't do when our kids were young, and which I hate!

The things I miss the most are when our kids were young and we were running them to games and events and hanging out with family for hours on end. Going to Broomfield Days with my sister in law every year for what seems like a lifetime. Watching my kids play with their cousins. I miss family camping trips with friends over a long weekend, the kids staying up late and getting too much sun, and eating too much junk food. i miss volleyball at church with friends and dinner afterwards. Volleyball with my brother in law and sister in law....winning trophies and feeling like "athletes", man, those were fun times!

The kids are grown now, one has a child of her own, the other is still at home but not for long! Nothing is as it was-- and some days I just really miss it.

So now we move into a new season- A season without running our kids all over the place. The season of camping with all those friends is over. Family's have moved or moved on. It's a new season, one that I could have never anticipated!

But life goes on, doesn't it? I have a plan to move into this new season. I'm so afraid my husband and I will turn into couch potatoes if we don't make a plan.... oh, and I do love a plan, too bad he doesn't love a plan! Thankfully he does love to make me happy:) The plan is to buy kayaks and spend sometime finding things to do together that we both enjoy. He will never run with me, or go hiking with me but he might ride a bike while I run. It's all good, because there's no going back. Time to make new traditions for just the two of us.

"Like all parents, my husband and I just do the best we can, and hold our breath, and hope we've set aside enough money to pay for our kids' therapy."
---Michelle Pfeiffer


  1. we have two seasons in nebraska... winter and summer. and we have extremes of both. this new season in my life is scary and different. we are in two different seasons, and feeling the same things.

  2. I miss that carefree season...thank you, Aunt Kimberly!
